WVBF&C has renewed its cooperation with Merkur Kleve and Eintracht Duisburg for Fencing Season 2017-2018. This means that for the third season in a row WVBF&C wil be responsible for the fitness & fencing programme for both these clubs as well as the  indvidual lessons and strip-side coaching for its members. WVBF&C coaching times 2017-2018 are :

Mondays:                17:00-21:00      Eintracht Duisburg

Tuesdays:                17:00-21:00      Eintracht Duisburg

Thursdays:              19:00-22:00      Merkur Kleve

Fridays:                   19:00-22:00     Merkur Kleve

For specific group / time information please look at the club websites:

Eintracht Duisburg club site     Merkure Kleve club Site

If you are interested in what WVBF&C can do for you or your club please look here: